new moon

dom försöker långsamt döda mig. jag älskar det, jag hatar det. jag gråter. (för böcken new moon, jag är ju kär i dom böckerna get it)

- Bella, we're leaving
- Why now? Another year.
- Bella, it's time. How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? Carlisle can barely pass for 30, and he's claiming 33 now. We'd have to start over soon regarless.
- When you say we?
- I mean my family and myself
- Okay. I'll come with you.
- You can't, Bella. Where we're going.. is not the right place for you.
- Were you're is the right place for me.
- I'm not good for you, Bella.
- Don't be ridiculous
You're the very best part of my life.
- My world is not for you, he said grimly
- What happened with Jasper- that was nothing, Edward! Nothing!
- You're right, it's exactly what was to be expected.
- You promised! In Phonenix, you promised that you would stay.
- As long as it was best for you
- No! This is about my soul, isn't it?
I don't care Edward. I don't care! You can have my soul. I don't want it without you - it's yours already!
- Bella, I Don't want you to come with me.
- You.. don't.. want me?
- No.
- Well, that changes things.
- Of course, I'll always love you.. in a way. But what happened the other night made me realize that it's time for a change. Because I'm ... tired of pretending to be something I'm not, Bella. I'm not human! I've let this go on much long, and I'm sorry for that.
- Don't do this.
- You're not good for me, Bella
- If... that's what you want.
- I would like to ask one favor, though, if that's not too much.
- Anything
- Don't do anything reckless or stupid. Do you hear what I'm saying?
- I will
- And I'll make you a promise in return, I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me. I won't come back. I won't put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without anymore interference from me. It'll be as if I'd never existed. Goodbye Bella.

(såklart menar jag ju jacob i new moon, twilight. det var någon som råkade tro att det var mitt ex det handlar om. och bara för att reda ut allting så när jag skriver något om en jacob så handlar det inte om mitt ex. och dom som missuppfattade månader så är det så många månader efter edward lämnar bella, och sedan dyker jacob upp i bellas liv. osv. dom som läst/sett twilight förstår! och allt som står här kommer från ett youtube klipp,)

- Bella
- Yes
- Don't do this
- You wanted me to be human, well watch me. Please for me
- But you won't stay with me any other way
- Please
Then I jumped
- No Bella
- Yes
- I love you Edward

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2009-03-06 @ 14:35:58
Postat av: Ulla-berta andén!

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